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Monday 22 July 2013

Need a Few Beauty Tips?

Need a Few Beauty Tips?

Nothing shows a woman's beauty like her skin. When you skin glows all of you glows. Ho
w many times have we heard people comment on how beautiful a pregnant woman's skin is? "She has such a glow," people will say.
Need a Few Beauty Tips?Have you ever wished that you could do something to improve your skin and make it glow? Have you spent a lot of time trying to hide blemishes or discolorations, or dullness? Have you just wanted it to look cleaner and clearer naturally, before you put on your lotions and make ups? If yes, then here's a few natural beauty tips that you can do for your own skin.
Natural Beauty Tip #1: Drink lots of water! That is right. The more water you drink, the better you skin will look - How's that for some completely free beauty advice.
Natural Beauty Tip #2: Eat plenty of fresh vegetables - the more uncooked ones you eat the better. That is some of the best beauty advice you will ever get. Your body needs all those minerals and nutrients that you get from raw and fresh vegetables. Your skin will thank and reward you with a healthy glow.
Natural Beauty Tip #3: Do not smoke cigarettes. Nicotine yellows your skin, clogs your pores and gives you those nasty blackheads. That's not only a beauty tip, it is a health tip. Think of what it must do to the rest of your body, if it can do that to your skin! Just don't smoke.
Natural Beauty Tip #4: Take your vitamins! They keep you healthy, help you sleep, and if you are taking the right vitamins they nourish not only your blood but your skin. All that nourishment will make you look and feel younger. As we all know, when we feel good, we look good. The real secret to beauty!
Natural Beauty Tip #5: Get plenty of rest. Don't stay up too late, then get up too early, and do it too many days in a row. Sure, there are those times when we have to go the extra mile and it may show for a day in our overall beauty. Just don't make a habit of it. Sleep is the time when the body regenerates. Let it get its full regeneration.
Natural Beauty Tip #6: Try to reduce stress in your life (and the beauty tips above will all help with that). Nothing shows on your whole body like stress: the way you walk, the look in your eye, the haggard appearance of your skin, the way you talk, even the way you sit in your chair. Here's a little beauty advice: your stress shows on your whole body so do not let that stress become overwhelming.
The funny thing about these beauty tips is that you can easily see that it really is just one big beauty tip: keep yourself healthy and happy and it will show in your skin. Then when you use your creams and make up, and your lovely scents and soaps it will make you even that much more beautiful than you are naturally.
Epictureperfect provides natural beauty tips [], free beauty tips [] and beauty advice.
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Beauty Tips You've Never Heard

Beauty Tips You've Never Heard

Beauty Tips You've Never HeardYour morning beauty regime takes you exactly 12 minutes. First comes the face wash, then the astringent, followed by the moisturizer. And the list goes on. It's become such a chore, but wasn't there a time when this routine was fun? Well, we decided to take you back to the days when applying makeup was a treat by giving you some innovative beauty tips and tricks to spice up your routine.
To get this insider information, we contacted Carmindy, resident make-up artist on TLC's "What Not to Wear," and author of The 5 Minute Face. Here are her 10 beauty tips to leave you feeling fresh and fabulous.
Beauty Tip # 1 - Make perfume last.
A few spritzes of perfume in the morning will not carry you through the day, no matter how expensive your bottle may be. To make your scent last, try this beauty tip: put an unscented moisturizer on first and then spray on your perfume a few seconds later. "There's so much alcohol in perfume," Carmindy explains, "that if you spray it on dry skin, a lot of times it evaporates so quickly. But if you have moisturizer on your skin it adheres much better."
Beauty Tip # 2 - Lip gloss without the goop.
Instead of directly putting the tube of gloss to your lips, Carmindy recommends adding an extra step to ensure less stickiness. "I like to put lip gloss on my fingertips first and then just pat it onto the flesh of my lips. And this way you'll get a little bit of glow, but it won't be too goopy." Also, try a moisturizing lipstick or a lip stain first before you add the gloss to make sure the color stays put.
Beauty Tip # 3 - A sweet scrub.
"The best exfoliate in the world is regular white table sugar." If every scrub out there contains some form of sugar, like "Almond Sugar Scrub" or "Brown Sugar Scrub," why not just use what's in your kitchen cupboard? "What happens is that the small crystals dissipate in water so they don't tear your skin." And, if you have sensitive skin, don't fret. "It even works better because with other products you might not like a fragrance or a lot of ingredients," states Carmindy. When you're in the shower, all you have to do is lather your face up like normal and then get a handful of sugar and scrub your face. And if you run out you'll be able to ask your cute neighbor for a spot of sugar!
Beauty Tip # 4 Ditch your spot concealer.
Instead of fumbling around your makeup bag for multiple concealers in the morning, just stick to one, advises Carmindy. The reason why? Because you can actually use the foundation stuck to the top of the cap of your liquid all-over concealer as your spot-treatment. "It oxidizes there so it becomes a little bit thicker." Plus, she says, "It's the same shade as your foundation, so it will instantly erase your blemish." To apply, just take a small tip concealer brush and dip into the cap of your foundation, or the nozzle if you use a spray. Then brush it on the spots and you're ready to go. Now it will be a good thing when your foundation lid gets cakey.
Beauty Tip # 5 - Recycle: Good for the earth, good for your lips.
What are you supposed to do when your four best lipsticks are almost gone and your finger is tired from scraping out the remnants below? Carmindy suggests combining the half-used sticks into your own lip pallet. "Go to the drug store and purchase a plastic pill box and dig out the lipstick that's left in the tubes. Then put each color into a different little section of the pill box." You can mix and match the colors or even put Vaseline in one of the sections to make your own lip gloss.
Beauty Tip # 6 Celebrity-size lips.
To get fuller lips people often outline them with a pencil, but most of the time it looks noticeable and unsophisticated (especially when the lipstick comes off and you're left with just that awful line). To get invisible enhancement, Carmindy recommends you take a Q-tip and dip it in a little bit of white shimmer eye shadow and lightly trace the outside of your lips. "What will happen is that the shimmer will capture the light and make your lips seem larger." You won't be able to see it, but the slight glimmer will do the trick. Great if you don't have any collagen handy.
Beauty Tip # 7 - Bronzed but not dirty.
Dusting bronzer all over your face can make you look like you've been rolling around in the sand box all day or have picked up a part time job as a chimney sweep. Carmindy prefers a spray bronzer to get the appearance of a fresh summer tan. "I like to spray a sponge and then what I do is just push it onto the skin--on the temples and then right underneath the cheekbones because this is kind of where the sun would kiss your face. And if you like powder bronzer you can apply it in the same places too."
Beauty Tip # 8 - Brow breakthrough.
If you've been awarded barely there eyebrow DNA, you've probably tried everything to make them visible--and figured out that most of the time these products end up rubbing off by the end of the day. If you still want eyebrows at five p.m., Carmindy advises buying waterproof liquid eyeliner that matches your hair color like black, brown or taupe. Then, she says, "You can take an angled brush and feather the liquid eyeliner on to your eyebrows and it will stay put all day long. It looks more natural than a pencil and stays longer." It's a win-win.
Now if you're like me and are on the opposite end of the brow spectrum you might need some help keeping your out-of-control brows in check. To do this, "Take a spooly brush or an old tooth brush, put a little hair gel on there and just brush it onto your eyebrows to have them stay put."
Beauty Tip # 9 - Not your average smoky eye.
"What I like to do is take a color like a navy blue or a sparkling kind of burgundy purple and just line the inside rim and right along the upper and lower lash line and then smudge it with a Q-tip. That way, there's no eye shadow pushing the eye back, but you still have the smoky effect because they're lined with color. If you have deep-set eyes, Carmindy advises you to avoid putting dark shadow on your eyelids because it will make them seem even more pushed back. "There are so many ways to do a smoky eye, but people always think there's only one way to do it."
Beauty Tip # 10 - Save time and eye shadow
Running late in the morning? The best thing you can put on is white shimmering highlight powder. "If you highlight three key places you set of the planes of your face--you don't even need eye shadow," says Carmindy. These key spots are underneath the eyebrow, on the inside corner of the eye and on top of the cheekbone. "It brings sparkle to the eye; it lifts up the lid and draws attention to the top of the cheekbone." Now all you need is a big cup of coffee to actually feel as awake as you look.
Who says your beauty routine has to be boring--especially now that you can take a box of sugar with you in the shower or turn a pill box into a personalized lip pallet. With these beauty tips You just might have to rethink your 12 minute routine after all.
With the help of TLC's resident make-up artist Carmindy, Savvy Miss author Leslie Barrie compiles a list of less-known but great beauty secrets that leave you feeling lush and fabulous.
Your morning beauty regime takes you exactly 12 minutes. First comes the face wash, then the astringent, followed by the moisturizer. And the list goes on. It’s become such a chore, but wasn’t there a time when this routine was fun? Well, we decided to take you back to the days when applying makeup was a treat by giving you some innovative beauty tips and tricks to spice up your routine.
Carmindy is on TLC’s “What Not to Wear” which airs every Friday at 9:00 p.m. Her new book The Five Minute Face is available at Visit her site at
This article was originally published on, a free website community dedicated to connecting, empowering and informing women everywhere. features articles on dating, love, careers, fashion, health, beauty and important societal issues. Members also use message boards and blogs to build relationships with other members.
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Celebrity Beauty Tips - Hairstyles and Beauty Tips of the Stars

Celebrity Beauty Tips - Hairstyles and Beauty Tips of the Stars

Celebrities enjoy huge fan following especially when it comes to beauty and style matters. Being a style-icon a celebrity is imitated by his admirers once he builds an image. A celebrity beauty tip, whether it be about skin care, acne prevention, hair styling, reducing body weight or any other issue related to improving looks has always been cherished by the admirers. Adjudged from this angle, the best celebrity beauty tip of the present age seems to be being ones own self.
Inspired by the doctrine that beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and colors and is more about self-expression than mere imitation of someone else's style, modern fans go for personal styling. A few generations back an individual would be content with just getting an Elvis Presley hair cut or a Marilyn Monroe makeup even if that gave a more or less dumb look. A present generation Tom Cruise admirer instead customizes the star's hairstyle to best suit his personality. Similarly, a woman obsessed with Julia Roberts may not opt for a curly crop, but rather sport her hair straight, a la Brooke Shield's style.
The same celebrity beauty tip holds for make up and attires. Considering the camera glares and flashes they are exposed to, it is very fitting that a beauty pageant winner or a celebrity will settle on heavy makeup and some out of the ordinary clothing. However, when adopted in everyday lives, the too gorgeous, overtly glamorous looks will best be termed 'blunders' on the fashion-front. No wonder that young women go for a lot of scaling down and opt for the 'girl next door' look rather than the 'Diva' look.
Most celebrities consider beauty as 'not just skin deep', and hence concentrate a lot on health care and grooming. With useful advices as natural and homemade beauty tips on skin, hair care and on other health related issues, this happens to be the most helpful aspect of celebrity worship. Although most of the beauty secrets shared by the stars are no different from the natural beauty tips one has grown up with, youngsters pay heed to these time tested beauty secrets only when it comes in the form of a celebrity beauty tip.
A celebrity beauty tip can be anything such as
o Sticking to healthy lifestyle
o Giving the body its regular quota of exercises
o Increased intake of water
o Meditation
o Direct application of natural products like honey, milk, etc.
o Application of homemade beauty potions
o Application of other beauty treatments like TCA skin peels, etc.
The perfect combination of homemade beauty tips with occasional TCA peels seems the right answer when it comes to stopping the onslaught of professional stress and makeup. The fast-action TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) skin peels cause acne, pigmentation problems, scars and wrinkles to vanish in matter of moments and is perfectly safe. With the effects of the chemical skin exfoliation lasting for 6 months to a year, application by medical practitioners is recommended. The wide acceptance of TCA peels in the medical community has made it much more than just a celebrity beauty tip.
David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels for plastic surgeons, medispas, and in home use. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:
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Thursday 18 July 2013

- Finding Natural Beauty Tips and Natural Beauty Products That Work

Homemade Beauty Tips - Finding Natural Beauty Tips and Natural Beauty Products That Work

Women all over the world especially in Europe and Asia have long used natural, organic or botanically based skincare products or recipes to maintain beautiful skin. This green movement is slowly taking over the USA with more women looking for more homemade beauty tips using natural or organic products and avoiding synthetics. This article discusses finding natural beauty tips and natural beauty products that work.
beauty tipsA lot of people are finding that natural skincare tips and natural beauty products can sometimes rival some of the most expensive beauty products on the market that contain various synthetics.
It is important to note that it may be difficult to find natural beauty products that are 100% natural or organic due to the inclusion in a lot of organic products of synthetic preservatives. There may be natural beauty products that use natural preservatives but these products may be very expensive.
An alternative to buying natural beauty products is to look for natural beauty tips and beauty recipes that will allow you to create products in your own home using clean, botanically based ingredients. Homemade beauty tips can be obtained anywhere both online and offline. It does feel good to put something on your skin that is not a harsh chemical but uses Mother Nature's bounty.
Although natural ingredients used to create natural skincare products using homemade beauty tips is ideal, it is important to note that although an ingredient may be natural, it may not be suitable for your particular skin and it becomes important to determine various factors to prevent harm to your skin or be effective for your skin.
When using homemade beauty tips, it is important to determine your skin type and whether it is dry, oily, sensitive, normal or combination, before you create any natural skincare products using the natural ingredients that are suitable for your skin. Whatever your skin type, there is a solution in nature for it and you may need to make several trial and error efforts before you find the homemade skincare tips that work for you and your skin.
You will also need to determine the climate that you live in and determine the natural products that will work best to deal with climatic conditions while helping you with creating beautiful, natural skin. You will also need to use natural skin care products properly for them to be effective.
One of the most popular homemade beauty tips is to use various organic fruits and vegetables for any part of your skincare routine. These natural beauty tips have been found to be effective which explains their continued popularity. Various essential oils that are derived from plants as well as herbal oils have been found to be useful in various parts of natural skincare routines in addition to being very therapeutic and relaxing.
It is important to note when deciding to implement a natural skincare routine using homemade beauty tips is to not neglect the various aspects that will allow you to be at your most beautiful and natural best such as a proper diet, exercise, keeping hydrated, etc. This will ensure that your natural beauty routine is complete and you will reap the benefits.
Visit my website for various homemade beauty tips and resources to help you create and maintain beautiful, natural skin that you will be proud of and be complimented on. Visit for more on natural beauty tips and natural beauty products from the inside out.

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Wednesday 17 July 2013

Health & Beauty Tips

Health & Beauty Tips

beauty tipsEveryone loves to look beautiful. There are many advantages of looking beautiful. A gorgeous woman always receives attention. She marries the best catch. She gets to be the cheer leader. She dates all the attractive boys. She even manages to participate in the beauty pageants and win a crown for her country. Hence, women look out for simple beauty tips to enhance their beauty.
The skin care beauty tips are meant for all. Anyone can make a significant difference in their appearance with the help of the natural beauty tips. Unassuming girls use the y secrets tips to become more attractive, while the beautiful girls use them to preserve their appeal and look good for a longer period of time. In fact, even an ugly lady can look highly attractive by following the correct beauty tips for face.
Due to its high popularity, different women's magazines make these fashion beauty tips an integral part of their editions. These health and beauty tips appear with religious regularity in an effort to boost the sale of the magazines. The editors hire the experts from the beauty industry who share their secrets with the readers. Many a times, the readers are also encouraged to send in their queries which the experts answer by giving various health beauty tips.

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